I am really enjoying this off season and have learned a lot about what it will take to make it through my next prep for competition.

When I prepped for my last competition I felt anxious and nervous that my body wouldn’t do what it needed in order to make it to the stage. What I have realized NOW is, if I put in 100% which is what I intend to do, my body will be the best it can, and will look as it is intended to. My plan is not crazy, well, not to me. I am going to trust myself, take the lessons I have learned, and move forward with quiet commitment.

I intend to be gentle with my inner fat girl, and slowly wean off of her during the 20 weeks in which I intend to prep.

During my first prep, I had major issues with my love for ketchup and cool whip, which looking back seems so silly. I am starting from a much different place this time, and am really excited to bring some more muscle and a bit more size to the stage this time.

Still deciding on a final show, but there better be one in April, because that is when I intend to compete. I will be ready. I am arming myself with my support structure which is in place…my 2 home gyms which I intend to visit daily, and an arsenal of recipes that I have tested and tried over this off season which I LOVE, and that are squeeky clean.

I received so much support last time around, and I look forward to all the comments, love and support from anyone who chooses to read this blog this time around…Look for my posts weekly!

…and so it begins…round 2 🙂Image

‘Off-Season’ – inside out.

Posted: October 30, 2012 in Uncategorized

For my friends out there who have competed in figure competitions, know how challenging off-season can be. Going from being on-stage to off-stage can be very daunting, as it was for me…

Feeling ‘fat’, struggling with my rapidly changing body – from being competition ready, to every-day ‘fit’. Anyways, I knew that I would struggle, but I had NO idea that this would be the outcome.

I’ve had body issues, like most girls do…for a REALLY long time. For a long time I just dreamed of being a certain weight, a certain size, taller, whatever. Having 3 beautiful boys caused my weight and body to change significantly several times. Each time we had a baby, it became increasingly difficult to lose the weight, but being as tenacious as I am, I did. It wasn’t easy but I was determined to, so I did. The outside, though, never changed what I felt on the inside.

Fast forward. I competed in my first competition in the summer, a goal I set for myself for my 40th birthday, but decided to do a test run a year earlier. Stepped on stage at about 110 lbs or so. LOVED my tiny little muscular body. LOVED it….I knew it would not be realistic for me to maintain that body, but I did enjoy it…

…and guess what. Not even THAT changed the way I felt on the inside. While competing did change my view on a LOT of different things, it did not change the way that I felt about myself.

…fast forward a little more, to a Liz that’s a bit curvier. About 12 lbs curvier…but that’s not all that’s changed…and not till I sat down to think about why I feel different did I figure it out….over the last year, the changes in my mind were slow and steady…I think I am finally figuring out who I am, who and what I need around me, and how important it is for me to be my authentic self, and to surround myself with people who share my views…but friends who will challenge me in a positive way.

This year, I have found so much wonderful. I have found a Liz who is strong, competitive…self assured. A Liz who is not afraid of new. A Liz who is not afraid to fail…which makes me not afraid to try. Failing isn’t bad. It means you tried. I found a Liz who LOVES her current curvy STRONG body. My body can lift heavy weight in the gym, which means I can carry my 3 ‘not so baby boys’ to bed when they fall asleep on the couch after a night of movies and popcorn…

Newest discovery…I can actually run, and completed my first 10k race with a pretty decent time. Confession? I didn’t think I could do it. Running scares me…more than competing in figure competitions. So I will do it again, because I think doing things you do not think possible, make you stronger.

So…all the while, I was trying to change my body to feel better on the inside. Silly me. You need to change your insides, to feel better on the outside. It only took 39.5 years to figure it out….no matter, I’m glad I finally did. Surrounded by a whole HEAP of wonderful WONDERFUL people (you know who you are) I found my happy.

It’s been 6 weeks or so since I competed…I secretly hoped I had seen the last of ‘fat girl’ but man, she is poking her head in my ‘bizness’ way more than I would like.

Coming off of a competition is not for the weak. It takes a lot of mental fortitude to see your body changing from that svelte vision on stage to the more ‘softer’ every day version, and to still strut that softer (muscle building) version with confidence and pride.

I write this blog as honestly as I possibly can. This bit is scary for me, the vision in my head of what I am ‘supposed’ to look like, doesn’t always match the image I see in the mirror. Which is stoopid. I know.

My goal is not ‘just’ to be in a healthy weight range…which is fine and GREAT. My goal is to be really, REALLY fit, and strong…with amazing muscle.

So I will fight.

…the urge to sleep in when I should be training.

I will fight…

…the negativity around me..

I will fight…

…with my broccoli and chicken 🙂 …

I will fight…

…the negativity within me.

Not only will I fight. I will REMEMBER…

…my self-worth is not tied to a number on a scale…

I will remember…

…what people think about me has nothing to do with me…

I will remember…

…perfection is not an attainable goal….EXCELLENCE is…


…every step of my life long journey is one to be cherished..

….ready ‘fat girl’? I am… 🙂

So, my first competition has come and gone…what’s next?

This was only meant to be the beginning of a new lifestyle for me. I am learning that I love and need to be challenged in life, so setting new goals for myself is not uncommon.

My latest goal is to cook something ‘Paleo’ for the month of July….why? Since competing, I have found that many of the foods I used to really enjoy do not taste the same to me, nor do they agree with me. I also would like to ‘just’ live life, and feel great. I notice that when I eat grains/bread/pasta etc…I feel bloated and tired.

Having done a LOT of research, while getting my brain to cooperate will probably be a little bit of a challenge, I know my body will thank me for making this switch.

Day 1 of my challenge, I made Egg cupcakes from the recipe book ‘Everyday Paleo’ by Sarah Fragoso. I substituted some of the ingredients..

7 whole eggs
1 cup egg whites
1 large sweet potato (grated)
3 oz turkey breast diced
2 cups yellow red orange peppers
4 cups chopped spinach
1/2 red onion chopped
black pepper

(I roasted the peppers, onion and grated sweet potatoes in the oven while I gathered all other ingredients…probably about 10 mins…to soften)

Spray muffin tins
Preheat oven to 350
Whisk eggs and pepper in a big bowl
Add chopped spinach
Add roasted veggies
pour into muffin tins (makes about 24)

They turned out great! Jeff tried it…the boys did not…lol…they stuck to the muffin tin a bit more than I would have hoped, so the next time, I will make them in the silicone type muffin tins….

Storage tip? Wrap in saran wrap or ziploc bags and freeze…

Check back for what I make tomorrow…avocado…mmm!!

Well, my first competition is done. I had an amazing experience, and when I think about stepping on that stage, I smile. Every time.

So….what’s next? When I think about this question, I feel excited and nervous inside. I have SO many ideas, thoughts and plans, but right now, I am trying to keep my inner fat girl from taking over. I KNEW that this would be the most difficult part of the journey…for me. Having a goal and being focused is one thing. I am able to do this. This is the part that is a bit more challenging, but the part that I am DETERMINED to master. LONG before June 16, I researched and planned how to stay on track post competition. I have been called obsessive and people have asked when I intend to ‘take a break’.

My answer is, I am not going to take a break. Just as we need water air and food to live, MY body needs movement. I have been working out daily for about 2 years now, with my focus on competition diet for the last 16 weeks. I think that I am in a pretty good groove….now for the reality.

It would be REALLY amazing to live in the body that I had on June 16…truth is, it is unrealistic. There is a bit of a correction, for me, a few lbs, and I still feel really lean. It is nice to be able to be a little less strict with my food (ketchup…mmmm ketchup) and a few gummy candies here and there, and my beloved glass of red wine…beyond that, I am trying to re introduce foods very slowly, and am still learning new things daily. I KNOW that diet is the most important part of being lean, and this is the part that is challenging for me, so I am going to take it one day at a time, and not let the pendulum swing to far to the other side. One of my goals is to be more conditioned. I’ve added running into my training, and so far am really loving it. Once daily training feels like HEAVEN after living at the gym for so long. Last week was a very moderate training week. Going forward, I am looking forward to some work. 🙂

So, for now, I am going to train hard, keep my diet tight, keep ‘fat girl’ in check…..and keep working on my goals… Stay tuned!!

I’m a figure competitor :)

Posted: June 20, 2012 in Uncategorized

What a wild ride. This has truly been a remarkable journey, that ended (or began) on the eve of Father’s day, which is special for 2 reasons. Many of you know I lost my dad to cancer a few years back, and he has always been a huge motivating force in my life. He has always guided me spiritually and emotionally, and taught me that NO challenge is too big..no dream is too big….if you put your mind to it, you can achieve it. So dad, this is for you. You believed in me, more than I did myself. I miss you. The second reason this is special is, I am married to the MOST incredible man alive. My best friend of 20 years. We have been through a LOT together in 20 years as you would imagine…first apartment, marriage, 3 kids, and all that comes with that….. He has stood by me, giving me the space and time I needed to follow my dream. He has been my rock through this incredible time, picking up the pieces that I dropped along the way…

This journey reminded me that people ARE inherently good. People reach out to help, encourage and be there for you. I have had the most incredible support, just when I needed it. There were days when I would walk into the gym and curse under my breath at how much I would rather be sleeping than at the gym…on days like that I would get a message from Nia, Katie, Malecia, Debbi or Maranda telling me to hang in there, to persevere and to keep working hard….and to keep PUSHING…and texts from my coach Sara, telling me how strong I am, and how much she knows I can do this.

There were days when I would come home at night from the gym completely spent…knowing that Jeff was equally exhausted, with tears in my eyes…I never even had to say anything. He would just send me to bed and take care of the rest…

There were days where I doubted my reasons for doing this, and I would go on the LIO board or the figure competitor boards on Facebook, and find that I was not alone, or selfish, or silly for pursuing this dream…

I have not only discovered my best/strongest body, I have discovered my best/strongest mind, and part of my soul through this experience. I have met some wonderful people, and have made some incredible friendships.

On June 16, I became a figure competitor…two trophies, (Figure Short, Figure Masters Short) and a 5th place medal for Model Search. One journey ended, but a new one begins….

Here is a video my amazing sister friend Maranda put together for me. I still cry every single time I watch it. A heartfelt thank you to all of you who clicked ‘like’ to my Goodlife check-ins, for all the love, encouragement and support! I did it!!



Weight: 112

Waist 22

Hips 33

Calves 14


As I was running this morning, I felt the most wonderful gift…when I was little, my dad would ALWAYS tell me,’ Lizzy, you could be anything you want to be, and do anything you want to do. There are, and will never be any limits. Set your mind to it, and you’ll do it’. I hadn’t thought about this for a long time, and for some reason this reassuring thought came into my head this morning. We CAN do anything we set our minds to, as long as we work hard, persevere, shut out the negativity, and STOMP all over those obstacles.

Nicki Minaj provided me with some inspiration too, and so I cried like a baby all the way home while listening to these lyrics (just keepin’ it real peeps…telling it like it is)

Cause I am not a word, I am not a line
I am not a girl that can ever be defined
I am not fly, I am levitation
I represent an entire generation

I hear the criticism loud and clear
That is how I know that the time is near
See we become alive in a time of fear
And I ain’t got no time to spare

Cry my eyes out for days upon days
Such a heavy burden placed upon me
But when you go hard your nay’s become yea’s
Yankee Stadium with Jay’s and Kanye’s

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly, to fly

Get ready for it, get ready for it, get ready for it
I came to win
Get ready for it, get ready for it, get ready for it

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly, to fly

So no matter what happens on June 16. I have already won. Self discovery during this journey is a beautiful thing. Not easy, but beautiful. I’m going to keep pushing till the end…because like my daddy rightly said, there are no limits.



I was going to write that the last couple of weeks have brought challenges…they have, but every week brings challenges.

So little time left. 4.5 weeks. This last couple of weeks, I struggled with enjoying my treat day. After having this battle with my inner ‘fat girl’ forever, I finally felt like I was in a place that I was comfortable, following my meal plan, working my butt off..then I was told to have an 8 hour cheat. WHAT???!!??!!!? I was so excited, but really nervous. I enjoyed lots of great food, and all of the things that I missed during previous weeks, and ended my day with a salad 🙂

The following day, I was happy to be back to my meal plan, and back to routine. That following week my energy was really high, and I felt like I really nailed all of my training and cardio sessions. There IS method behind the madness 😉

The next few weeks bring with them new challenges…nursing a small shoulder injury has my routine out of whack, and mood in a funk. I am such a creature of routine and habit…having to change is difficult…but there’s a lesson in there…be flexible, enjoy the journey….breathe.

I will continue to do what I am doing…I will do my cardio…eat my asparagus…smash my training sessions, and PRAY that my body listens. In time. 🙂

I look back at my pictures, and I know that I have come so far….of that I feel proud.

4.5 weeks to go…

Pushing hard….

So…I knew I should not have said what I did last week…calm? Hell. I am anything BUT calm this week. This last week that just passed brought with it truth, criticism and TEARS…lots of it.

For the past couple of weeks, I have felt like I was in a nice groove….problem is, I am not supposed to feel like I am in a nice ‘groove’. I am supposed to be pushing hard, feeling uncomfortable…working outside of my comfort zone. While my body has been changing, and I am happy with my progress, there is LOTS of work left to be done in the next 7 weeks.

I am thankful for the people who surround me. Pat, who tells me the truth. Regardless. The truth made me sad, then angry, but is ultimately making my PUSH. Sara, who encourages me, and who is really helping me move forward in this journey. She keeps me honest… Malecia, who keeps me SANE, and helps me to feel balanced. Her calmness is reassuring. All my Facebook friends that click ‘like’ when I check in to Goodlife…I know it seems like a stupid silly thing, but it does give me energy. All of you who stop by my ‘Girly Girl in a Boys World’ page to share your fitness goals and experiences with me also gives me tons of energy….and I would be remiss not to mention my incredible hubby and boys who put up with this insanity 🙂

I KNOW what I need to do. I KNOW how to get to my goal. I WILL be amazing and confident on that stage. I will trust, push and do what I am supposed to do to get there. Time to REALLY push. No more shortcuts, no more working inside of my comfort zone…

7 weeks to go.

misc and Jamaica 2011 065


Weight 119.2
Waist 23
Hips 35.5
Calves 14

The last couple of weeks have been calmer. I have had some interesting experiences, most of which have reaffirmed that remaining calm is best. Being stressed serves no other purpose than that. It doesn’t change the outcome, in fact, the only way it changes the outcome is in a negative way.

Workouts are strong, diet is tight. Although time is going by REALLY fast, there is nothing I can do to slow it down…so I will keep plugging at it, and will continue to cut those things out of my diet that I need to…(still hanging on to the odd fruit here and there) but that ends this week. This process continues to blow my mind, as there isn’t a day that goes by that I am not learning something new, and thinking of new goals and challenges.

So, while I may be crazy, 🙂 I will remain calm….feels good….now for my chubby legs to cooperate… 🙂 ‘fat girl….STEP OFF’.

Image  —  Posted: April 21, 2012 in Uncategorized