Archive for March, 2013

It feels ridiculous to be counting down from this far…but I am determined this time around to do a long, slow prep…with as LITTLE pain as possible…

My last prep it took me to see pictures of myself at 12 weeks to behave. At 27 weeks, I decided this time, I was ready. It is going to be MUCH more gradual.

The last two weeks have brought ups and downs…I am still fighting with insecurity. Some days I feel really really strong, and that I can conquer the world, with my 5am crazy cardio sessions, and then killing it in the gym lifting heavy.

Other days I walked around like a zombie…barely able to put one foot in front of the other. This comes with the territory I guess…and being ‘inspired’ for 25 weeks is a LONG time let me tell you. The way I have decided to manage this, is to set ‘mini’ interim goals for myself.

My first mini goal is Jamaica. We are headed there in a few weeks for a wedding, and I told myself that I am going to be wearing a ridiculously teeny bikini… šŸ™‚ this has kept me pretty on point with diet in the last 2 weeks. I even baked cookies with not so much as a lick of the batter, or bite of a single cookie.

Mini goal #2 is in July. I will be turning 40, and decided that I am going to do a photo shoot, hopefully in which I will be the fittest I have ever been.

My big goal for this year will be when I walk onto that stage in Hamilton, at the OPA Natural Provincials. I am working really hard, and plan on keeping up the intensity. I love a good challenge…

Until then, I am focusing on mini goal 1…and now off to find that ridiculous bikini. šŸ™‚


Posted: March 13, 2013 in Uncategorized

I loved this post.

The Mental Edge

Lean Into DiscomfortIā€™ve been practicing more and moreĀ  ā€œleaning inā€ to my anxiety.

Using what I notice my body is conveying to meā€“ the racing mind, lack of focus, tense shoulders, heavy sighs, and fidgitiness ā€” as a signal to tune in to the feeling as opposed to galvanizing my energy to run away from it, I find Iā€™m not less comfortable like you might think would occur. In fact, when I realize that I am the same as my experience (I am the anxiety), there is nothing to run away from.

When I do this I think of the saying,Ā  ā€œWherever you go, there you are.ā€ We suffer most when we attempt to push away from us what we are experiencing, right?

If we are our experience though, we are one with it. If we absorb our experience, we relieve ourselves of rigidity. If we refrain from building a wall thatā€¦

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imagesCA3C7ETNLate last year, I decided that I wanted to compete again, and just could not find a way to make it fit into my family life. Having 3 children, a 9-5, and all other obligations that come with living a busy life made it feel impossible to fit it in. Not gonna lie, I was VERY disappointed. I think I was actually surprised at how disappointed I was.

Since then, a little time has passed, and with the support of my family, we decided that I should try. We ALL decided that I should try. Even with a husband, and 3 boys, it is important to live your dreams. Life is enhanced by all of the experiences we have, and the goals that we set for OURSELVES. Family still does, and will always come first, but I am finding that fitting time in for myself and my dreams makes me a better wife, a better mother, and just a better me. I feel like I have renewed energy. I think we all have one shot in life at doing what we truly love. Finding the time to do and live what you really love takes dedication, determination, flexibility and patience.

It feels different this time. Iā€™m not sure how, and Iā€™m not sure why. Many of my experiences are the same, yet the feeling in my body, is different. Adjusting to my new coach, settling into a new routine and busting my ass at the gym. Not that I donā€™t usually, but having some interim goals before I compete on September 14 in Hamilton, are keeping me pretty focused. Being my ā€˜fittest at 40ā€™ my first goalā€¦

The beginning is the hard part. Letting go of my ā€˜comfortā€™ and learning to TRUST. Trusting the process, trusting my coach and trusting myself.

Competing for me is more than just about bringing home a big trophy (though, šŸ™‚ I do love a big trophy). Competing. Training is hard. The diet is hard. You work hard. Your mind body and soul are tested. But at the end, the sense of accomplishment for me, is exhilarating.

Ready for the ride?

I am.

27 weeks to go ļŠ