Archive for April, 2011

Back to basics!

Posted: April 18, 2011 in Uncategorized

Well, Fat Girl came for a really long visit….she’s been coming and going, but I really need for her to be GONE.

I know that life is a marathon, and so these visits from Fat Girl will probably continue…while I am learning how to say goodbye to Fat Girl after shorter periods of time, she seems to be  over staying her welcome lately. Being and emotional eater does not help, but self-reflection really does, as does keeping a journal.

Looking back at what I have written, it looks like tiredness is the main culprit. After a long week, or a long day, I have somehow managed to ‘reward’ myself with a glass of wine, or a piece of cake…or something less than nourishing for my body.

What’s difficult for me is consistency…so this is my own personal challenge for the next little while, along with recognizing that the thing that cures tiredness, is sleep, not chocolate cake and candy.

Positive….(because there always is a plus side) workouts have been amazing. After a week off and sleeping in till 7, my workout this morning was incredible….and while the scale is not where I need it to be, my body is strong. I am able to accomplish things that before kids, only dreamed of.

So today, I am saying ‘see ya’ to Fat Girl. I do enjoy her, but it’s time to let her go…again.