Archive for June, 2013

End of this road….

Posted: June 8, 2013 in Uncategorized

I have decided to no longer compete.

While I am pretty sad about this, I am looking forward to all of the other things that are in store for me. Back in the fall, I came to this same conclusion, and then really pushed to try. Truth is, it’s too hard, and is causing me to LOSE balance, which is not at all what I want, or need.

Being a mom and a wife, and still trying to figure out ‘me’, takes a lot of time, and effort. Fitness is my lifestyle. Competing is a hobby. A hobby (in my humble opinion) should not be something that causes stress. Long and short of it? It was. So, I have decided to carve myself out another path.

I am sad, my life feels like it is shifting….and as we all know, change is both uncomfortable, and hard. I am no quitter. I will take all the challenges that come at me in stride.

Lots of emotion whirling around in my head, and in my heart, so for now, one day at a time.

What will I be when I grow up? Who knows…but the possibilities are endless 🙂