Archive for January, 2013


When I decided not to compete, I was pretty wrecked. But I know that my family has to come first right now. There were tears, and to be honest, for a brief minute I felt like a failure, and then realized that there must be something better waiting for me.

Since deciding not to compete, so many opportunities to live a FUN and active life with my friends and family have presented themselves. Two I am most excited about so far are Wine club, I’m a red wine enthusiast 😉 and playing in a weekly soccer scrimmage with my two youngest boys and hubby..I haven’t played soccer in over 5 years, so it will be a RIOT, guaranteed laughter, a great workout, and proper focus on my not so little family.

This year ‘feels’ different. I believe that there is a lesson in every opportunity, an open door after every one that closes.

This year I will embrace every challenge and scary opportunity that comes my way with my family and true friends closely surrounding me. Looking forward to every minute and truly enjoying every single ‘today’.

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERAI haven’t said it out loud here, because I didn’t want to. It was scary. But for many reasons, I have decided not to compete. This year. I guess as time progresses, I will re-evaluate and decide. Since deciding not to compete, I had a period where I felt very lost, sort of like I had no direction, no purpose. Competing (for me) maybe because it was my first one, but it took a LOT of focus. In fact, it was the only thing I focused on for 12 weeks. When you have a family with 3 boys, and a hubby, 12 weeks is a LONG time. Anyways, I decided that this year I would change directions.

I am (admittedly) an all or nothing girl. I give 110% to everything I set out to do…which is both good and bad. I continuously work on trying to find middle ground…which is what I am trying to do this year…trying to keep the pendulum from swinging too far on both ends. I decided that this year, I am going to play, both with my friends, and with my family. Which means doing FUN, active things. I decided (and this is a biggie) that I am NOT going to diet. I am going to eat to fuel my body, AND my soul. YES. I said I am going to eat emotionally. I am going to eat chocolate, and drink wine, and eat birthday cake.

I am going to PUSH myself out of my comfort zone, and I am going to work REALLY, REALLY hard, professionally, and push myself really REALLY hard physically. Every workout will count. I will be present with my family, which means a LOT less iPhone time, a lot less Facebook and Twitter time…and another biggie, I am going to SLEEP. I have a lot of trouble in this area. I can always find something to do instead of getting to bed…but sleep is important. I am less tired, when I sleep (of course) but it makes for more energy at the gym…I am eating a LOT more, which ALSO makes for more energy and better training sessions. This is scary for me, because I do not know how my body will adjust. But I will trust that eating (mostly) clean, training dirty, and caring for my soul, will translate into a strong, toned body, inside and out.

I intend to be the best ‘ME’ ever this year….which includes eating chocolate. 🙂


Switching focus this year. While I accomplished a lot last year, I found that there was and is a lot of ‘noise’….a Twitter friend had posted that they have a word for every year, and a theme song..(which I love). I can’t think of a theme song, but I can definitely think of a word…I keep coming back to the words ‘Quiet’ and ‘Balance’. So I will have two words….

There is so much out there that makes us feel pressured into a certain ‘ideal’, which for me, caused me to lose focus, and balance. So this year, my plan is to work on those things, and to be a little more balanced in my approach to life.

This year I will try to drown our the noise, and when I make decisions, I am going to think if my choice is one that will promote balance.

Do you have a word or a theme song? Would love to hear it….