Archive for February, 2012

16 weeks to go…tick tock…

Posted: February 25, 2012 in Uncategorized

No fancy. Just stats. Weekly from here on out.

Starting to cycle carbs this week, and something clicked in my brain this week, but especially this morning. Nothing like a scary goal to get focused. Started double cardio this week, and by Friday, was pretty tired. Had a great sleep, and worked legs this morning…also had my first appointment with the wonderful woman who will be making me a custom suit for June 16.

Weight 130.2
Waist 24. 3/4
Hips 37
Chest 34
Calf 14

Will weigh in weekly, up to drinking 4-6 l of water now. Feeling mentally stronger, and all the ‘fun’ food has been removed from the house. I know I can do this, but it will be hard work from here, and I will need to push. Figuring out the timing of my meals is still a challenge, but at least now, I am eating the right foods…though I am still treating myself to an extra fruit here and there :). I have completely given up my red wine for now…but look forward to a nice bottle on my birthday, after my first competition.

I feel strong and scared, but capable.

Counting down from 16 weeks….tick tock…

With a little more than 16 weeks to go…I am feeling ‘wobbly’ and a bit distracted. I am fighting with keeping focus on myself, and not focusing on all the noise around me. Time to open my eyes and ears, and pay attention to what is important, positive and good, and time to block out the NOISE.

Everywhere I turn, there is noise…in the last couple of weeks, I have definitely had support, but equally so, I have had/heard negative comments…people trying to dissuade me from pursuing this goal…and inside my head, it’s very LOUD.

I AM GOING TO BE ON STAGE IN 16 WEEKS….so for now…I am going to put my blinders on….my earphones in…and block out the ‘noise’. I WILL do this.

18 weeks….GO TIME!

Posted: February 10, 2012 in Uncategorized

The last few weeks have been full of changes, and growth. I am constantly learning, changing, and getting really great help from everyone.

Here’s the deal right now.

My competition dates are June and/or July (depending on my progress, but hoping to do both competitions)

I am scared shitless.

I am working hard.

I am scared shitless.

My diet is a work in progress.

I am sleeping like a ROCK.

I am scared shitless.

I have been on my new program for 2 weeks and love it.

I have a great support system (you all know who you are). They make my heart smile.

But, I am scared shitless. 🙂 (you get it…)

Here is what has to happen FAST.

I need to keep being scared shitless. (This helps me push harder)

I have to work HARDER. (I feel like I could be lifting heavier, so starting tonight, I will)

My DIET (sigh) DIET needs to be on point. It’s getting there. This week, my goal is to get rid of ALL the sugar, including ketchup. (But I am on a mission to find sugarfree, healthy ketchup. If you know of any you’ve tried, and love, holla!!

I will KEEP sleeping like a rock. Apparently, sleep makes your muscles grow.

I have 2 more weeks to kick ass with this program so, I’ll say it again, I am going to PUSH HARDER.

I will continue to cherish my friends, and family, and appreciate how love and supported I feel.

Happy Friday….18 weeks to go!

Oh, and I said I would….so here is my first pic. 🙂