Archive for January 23, 2013

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERAI haven’t said it out loud here, because I didn’t want to. It was scary. But for many reasons, I have decided not to compete. This year. I guess as time progresses, I will re-evaluate and decide. Since deciding not to compete, I had a period where I felt very lost, sort of like I had no direction, no purpose. Competing (for me) maybe because it was my first one, but it took a LOT of focus. In fact, it was the only thing I focused on for 12 weeks. When you have a family with 3 boys, and a hubby, 12 weeks is a LONG time. Anyways, I decided that this year I would change directions.

I am (admittedly) an all or nothing girl. I give 110% to everything I set out to do…which is both good and bad. I continuously work on trying to find middle ground…which is what I am trying to do this year…trying to keep the pendulum from swinging too far on both ends. I decided that this year, I am going to play, both with my friends, and with my family. Which means doing FUN, active things. I decided (and this is a biggie) that I am NOT going to diet. I am going to eat to fuel my body, AND my soul. YES. I said I am going to eat emotionally. I am going to eat chocolate, and drink wine, and eat birthday cake.

I am going to PUSH myself out of my comfort zone, and I am going to work REALLY, REALLY hard, professionally, and push myself really REALLY hard physically. Every workout will count. I will be present with my family, which means a LOT less iPhone time, a lot less Facebook and Twitter time…and another biggie, I am going to SLEEP. I have a lot of trouble in this area. I can always find something to do instead of getting to bed…but sleep is important. I am less tired, when I sleep (of course) but it makes for more energy at the gym…I am eating a LOT more, which ALSO makes for more energy and better training sessions. This is scary for me, because I do not know how my body will adjust. But I will trust that eating (mostly) clean, training dirty, and caring for my soul, will translate into a strong, toned body, inside and out.

I intend to be the best ‘ME’ ever this year….which includes eating chocolate. 🙂